I.B. Abel’s Electrical Services group has been working intensely to get power systems running through a massive new distribution facility in York, PA.
Our crews have furnished and installed extensive power distribution systems throughout the whole building. The complete lighting control system for the 1.35 million-square-foot property, which is owned by a multinational technology company, has over 3,000 lights, including more than 140 site lights. Additionally, crews provided general power to receptacles, dock doors, EV Charging Systems and various mechanical and plumbing equipment.
To meet the demands of the $13.2 million electrical project’s compressed schedule, our BIM (Business Information Modeling) team worked closely with field leadership to plan and coordinate the project to a high level of detail in a 3D modeling software. This allowed us to fabricate and build more than 100 dock door assemblies, 58 panelboards and all feeder conduit bends and wall rough-ins. We also included 2,852 layout points which were provided to our Trimble team for onsite layout.
Our Electrical Group prides itself on streamlining processes to boost efficiencies. To learn more about how we can help power your project, contact us today.