I.B. Abel, Inc. is supporting and complying with government requests and mandates to close non-life sustaining or critical infrastructure operations. During this unprecedented period, I.B. Abel, Inc. remains committed to the safety and health of our employees, customers, suppliers, and community friends. As a service provider in market sectors such as electric utilities, public works, manufacturing, information systems, food, and other life sustaining supply chains, we are working closely with those clients to support their critical needs.
- – I.B. Abel, Inc. is committed to protect the health of our employees, industry partners and community as we navigate this challenge.
- – We are proud of the I.B. Abel employees stepping forward to provide the resources needed to support the critical life sustaining and critical infrastructure businesses.
- – We will follow the recommended safety and health directives as we serve our customers.
- – We are maximizing our use of technology to enable us to work remotely in support of those critical life sustaining and critical infrastructure businesses while not putting our employees or communities at further risk.
I.B. Abel, Inc. is grateful for the opportunities to have served our customers and communities for over 100 years. During this historic period, we are thinking of the families in our community impacted by the economic challenges, stress, and concerns regarding loved one’s health. We are in this together and extend our thoughts and best wishes to your respective families to remain healthy as we restore the long-term welfare of the communities that we serve. While this may be hard, we will get through this together.
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